My photo * DOLL MAKER, Czech * PANENKÁŘKA *

May 31, 2016

moje radost * my joy

* jé a jakou mi udělaly radost.
* jak se patrně brzy vyjeví, růžové lemování stalo se mou novou obsesí. a založení slepým stehem, který není vidět. a skrytý zip. který taky není vidět. ty malé detaily, které si užívám.
* fotky se mi až tak nepovedly.
* konečně došlo na látky, které si syslím roky, ty roky, kdy byly sny a byly plány, ale všechno to nějak trošku drhlo a nešlo to tak od ruky. teď ale konečně ubývají kupičky látek a ubývají a zmenšují se úžasně radostně a zlehka. a mám už i druhý šaty, nosím je, ale ještě jsem je nevyfotila. a mám ještě i hromádku sukní a už je taky vesele nosím, ale fotky ještě no tak snad někdy no. dělá mi radost udělat si fotky a zachytit vytvořené...ale jednoznačně, život je lepší žít než fotit. ty, kdo mají pocit, že byli do života vpuštěni bez mapy...
... ten text miluji.

God, I’ve been sent here blind to learn to see,

Remembering you were always there with me.
But do you know just how hard that’s been?
Could all of this have really been foreseen?
I’d like to say a prayer, how does it go?
I’m tired. Tell me, God, does it show?
What could have called for such a handicap?
I was sent out here without a map.
All this time I’ve had to guess the way,
To keep moving when I wished to stay.
I’ve been wrong as much as I’ve been right.
You tell me: ‘Walk by faith and not by sight, and
Keep your heavy heart afloat.
You are a timber carved by knife, but
Someday you may serve as a boat.

What I lose here on earth…
…Is lost in heaven.
If I ask you for help…
…it will be given.
But you’ve waited this long…
…you weren’t ready.
My devotion was strong…
…it wasn’t steady.
I have one more question…
…you have the answer too.
But what does that mean?
...You’re I, and I am you.
Why speak in riddles?
...Then let me show the way.
That’s all I’ve wanted.
...That’s all you’ve had to say.

Well come on then, God, show me,
Which way you would like me to go, and
I won’t resume to question,
How I was ever supposed to know.
There have been signs along the way, but
They’ve been so very obscure.
At times I thought I knew their meaning, but
How could I’ve ever been sure?

God, I was sent here deaf to learn to hear,

To have faith in you and never fear.

Life is an ocean, you its every wave,
Your arms would cradle me, and keep me safe.
You’re right, all this, and more I need to learn,
All this unease just makes my stomach churn.
It was I not you who set this trap, but
You did leave me here without a map.
All this time I’ve had to guess the way,
To keep moving when I wished to stay.
I’ve been right as much as I’ve been wrong, so
All I hear from you is: ‘You are strong enough,
For all you’ll ever have to face,
The only map you need is Love,
To guide you through this illusion of a maze.’

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
On east, as it is in heaven,
Give us today our daily bread,
Forgive us, Father, all our sins,
As we forgive those who sin against us, and
Lead us not into temptation, but
Deliver us from evil, for thy is the kingdom, and
The power, and the glory,
Now and forever more,


  1. Ach, ty jsou! Hned bych si je oblékla a ty kapsy, ty můžu taky!

    1. děkuji, přesně, kapsy taky můžu :) detail a jakou udělá radost. zrovna je mám na sobě :). měj se hezky, Jani, s celou smečkou!

  2. Ty šaty jsou opravdu krásné. A líbí se mi ta látka, kytičky na tmavém podkladu... A všechny ty detaily jsou taky úžasné, ty to hned ještě posouvají o třídu výš. No prostě nádhera :-)

    1. óóóó, díky! ty detaily si hodně prožívám a užívám, ale vím, že ne každý to pochopí, takže mě těší, Aničko, že mě chápeš :). látka dlouho čekala, já se kochala a představovala si...konečně jsem ty představy realizovala. díky za návštěvu, měj se hezky.
